
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Markers of Healing

A couple of weeks ago, I was cleaning out drawers and cabinets full of old and half-used vitamins, supplements, oils, medicines, U-bags, creams, etc… everything we have used for John in the past.  I tossed what had expired or was no longer needed. 

Here is the most significant item that landed in our garbage can:

This bag held the remaining powder sachets of the anti-convulsant, Vigabatrin. It was the one medicine (added to four others) that finally helped to alleviate John’s seizures.  The Holy Grail of seizure meds…  If you remember from the Caringbridge days, at one point we were so desperate to have this medicine for John before our meager supply ran out that Meade flew to Canada for less than 24 hours to get it from a pharmacist in Toronto who took pity on us.  At the time, Vigabatrin was legal but not yet FDA-approved in the U.S.  And when we first came home from the PICU with John, we did not realize this medicine typically had to come from England and through US Customs before arriving on our doorstep two weeks later… an eternity when you are counting minutes and hours between seizures.

This was not my first attempt to throw away this medicine.  Despite its expiration date of 2011, it wasn’t until two weeks ago that we had the faith and confidence (and JOY) to get rid of it forever!

It is crucial to have these markers in our lives.  These moments when we can reflect on the Lord’s past faithfulness.  We continue to pray for John’s healing, and yet we are reminded of how very far the Lord has brought John in His great mercy.

For our family, this picture represents no longer living in that kind of fear and uncertainty.  The fear that destroys.  The uncertainty that robs.  We are set free.

I pray we will all keep track of the markers God has placed in our lives in each season.  And that these healing markers will give us strength for today and hope for tomorrow.  Because Lord knows, in this shabby and trying world, we desperately need strength and hope!

“All my longings lie open before you, O Lord; 
my sighing is not hidden from you.
I wait for you O Lord; 
you will answer O Lord my God.”
-Psalm 38: 9, 15

A few updates:
-John had a great appointment a month or so ago with the ENT.  His ears have no more fluid and very little negative need for ear tubes!  Praise God!
-John's communication device arrived!  Pray for us as we have an appointment to configure it and as we learn how to use it to best enable John to communicate.
-John had an amazing two week summer session at his new school and starts back August 6th! We are so grateful for the Lord's provision.  Pictures to come!

Another marker of how the Lord provides!  Sweet Emily got married on the 13th, and she was our first helper last summer after we moved to Atlanta.  She then proceeded to recommend these other fabulous girls who have been such a blessing (Caroline in the fall, Dana this summer, and Gracie in the spring).  We love you all, and congratulations Jonathan and Emily!

At the dentist!  First time for Daniel.


  1. Hooray! That is definitely something worth celebrating. I'm glad summer has been going well for the Stones! Love you and see you soon!

  2. What a huge victory!! We are rejoicing and praying with you!! xoxo
